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quick change 意味

"quick change"の例文


  • quick change
  • quick     1quick n. (つめの下の)生身; 急所. 【前置詞+】 He was wounded to the quick. (心が)深く傷ついた
  • change     1change n. (1) 変化, 変更, 変動, 変遷; 乗り換え; 着替え; 転地. 【動詞+】 Momentous changes have
  • quick-change    {形} : 素早く交換できる、早変わりの
  • do a quick change    素早く着替える
  • make a quick change    急いで着替える、早変わりする
  • quick change artist    
  • quick change costume    
  • quick change tool holder    quick change tool holder クイックチェンジツールホルダ[機械]〈96B0106:工作機械―部品及び工作方法―用語〉
  • quick-change artist    早変わり芸人、変わり身の早いいかさま師
  • quick-change costume    早変わり{はやがわり}用衣装{よう いしょう}
  • quick-change gear box    quick-change gear box 早替え歯車装置[機械]
  • quick-change gearbox    quick-change gearbox 早替え歯車装置[機械]
  • make a quick change out of a swimsuit    素早く水着{みずぎ}から着替える{きがえる}
  • quick engine change unit (qec)    quick engine change unit (QEC) 急速エンジン交換ユニット[航宇]〈96確W0131:航空用語―機材運用〉
  • be quick on     be quíck on the trígger (1) 早射ちができる. (2) ((略式))動作[反応]が早い;抜け目がない(alert).


  • what's this ? that was a quick change of heart .
  • what a quick change !
  • i'm just gonna take a quick change , then we're gonna get to the bottom of this , all right ?
    今から ちょっと着替えてくる その後で 俺たちの真相を究明しよう
  • it gets ready to eat 10 to 15 days after pickled , but has short storage life with quick change in flavor .
  • somegoro , kamejiro and kantaro , who each played a semi-leading role , performed double roles by making a quick change .
  • kabuki routines in edo are staged in such a way that the storyteller makes a quick change in the middle of a sentimental story and the background setting is introduced .
  • one staging shows a quick change of clothes for the two roles of giheiji and tokube and this is a kabuki specific staging where an actor who died awfully appears as a beautiful figure at curtainfall .
  • in 1870 , on the day after the dajokan fukoku (decrees of the cabinet ) which ordered demolition of castles , the feudal retainers of the domain who wanted a quick change of government tore down the castle , including the tenshu .
  • mokuami ' s brilliant and unique techniques including the actor ' s quick change from sota to dull-witted minezo as a waiter turn the play of a serious story into a witty show leaving the audience with a pleasant aftertaste .
  • partly due to the fact that the main character is a fox , this section startles audiences by glaring staging called keren (playing to the gallery ) such as quick change from a samurai to fox , walking on a parapet , a midair stunt (kabuki staging technique ) and a sudden appearance of tadanobu kitsune .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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