be quick on be quíck on the trígger (1) 早射ちができる. (2) ((略式))動作[反応]が早い;抜け目がない(alert).
what's this ? that was a quick change of heart . 心変わりが早いな。
what a quick change ! 順応早っ
i'm just gonna take a quick change , then we're gonna get to the bottom of this , all right ? 今から ちょっと着替えてくる その後で 俺たちの真相を究明しよう
it gets ready to eat 10 to 15 days after pickled , but has short storage life with quick change in flavor . 漬け込んで10~15日で食用になるが、風味が変わるのも早く、貯蔵性はない。
somegoro , kamejiro and kantaro , who each played a semi-leading role , performed double roles by making a quick change . また、主演級の染五郎・亀治郎・勘太郎はそれぞれ早変わりで一人二役をこなした。
kabuki routines in edo are staged in such a way that the storyteller makes a quick change in the middle of a sentimental story and the background setting is introduced . 江戸の芝居噺の演出は人情噺の途中から一転、衣装を引き抜き背景に書割を設ける。
one staging shows a quick change of clothes for the two roles of giheiji and tokube and this is a kabuki specific staging where an actor who died awfully appears as a beautiful figure at curtainfall . 義平次と徳兵衛が二役早替わりの演出もあるが、これは無残な死に方をした役の俳優が、幕切れに美しい姿で出る歌舞伎特有の演出である。
in 1870 , on the day after the dajokan fukoku (decrees of the cabinet ) which ordered demolition of castles , the feudal retainers of the domain who wanted a quick change of government tore down the castle , including the tenshu . 明治3年(1870年)新政府の早期実現を望む藩士達により、廃城の太政官布告が出された翌日より天守以下の建物の解体・移築が行われた。
mokuami ' s brilliant and unique techniques including the actor ' s quick change from sota to dull-witted minezo as a waiter turn the play of a serious story into a witty show leaving the audience with a pleasant aftertaste . 惣太役の役者にぼけ的な峰蔵を給仕として早変わりで登場させるなど、深刻な内容の劇を洒落た見世物に仕立て上げ、後味を良くしてしまう黙阿弥独特の手法が光る。
partly due to the fact that the main character is a fox , this section startles audiences by glaring staging called keren (playing to the gallery ) such as quick change from a samurai to fox , walking on a parapet , a midair stunt (kabuki staging technique ) and a sudden appearance of tadanobu kitsune . 主役が狐ということもあり、武士から狐への早変り・欄干渡り・宙乗り・意表をついた忠信狐の出現など、ケレンと呼ばれる派手な演出で観客を驚かせる。